I’ve started every year with the promise to blog more.
Each year I’ve failed!
So why is 2015 different?
Why have I increased my total blog in the past month?
It’s simple I want to accomplish certain things in my career and blogging can help me get there. So what exactly are my career goals:
To be known as an EXPERT
To SHARE my knowledge with others
To become an AUTHOR
To give a KEYNOTE a major conference

Who are you to say blogging more will help
Look at the first piece of advice Scott Hanselman gives in this get involved in tech course. It’s to start a blog. Scott Hanselman is a known author, speaker, and expert. He’s a known expert by software developers and routinely gives Keynotes at major conferences. So if he says I should start I blog it’s probably a good advice.
Around Christmas I got the flu and had a lot of time on my hands. Sitting around for a couple of days I was able to finish Soft Skills by John Sonmez. Now John Sonmez is also a known software development expert, speaker, and author. One of the things John stresses in this book is to start a blog. In fact, John Sonmez attributes a lot of his success to starting a blog. Okay now that is two experts, authors, and speakers with the same advice. There must be something to starting a blog.
How to make it succesful
Having a blog is important but how can I make it successful?
How can I create content that will help the community?
I already had a blog but I wanted to make it successful. Creating a blog was one thing but making it successful was something else.
After a week of recovery I found a new email course on how to start a blog by John Sonmez. I was skeptical at first because I already had a blog. What I was looking for is how to make a successful blog. I signed up for the course and started receiving the emails over a 3 week period.
The course was great it outlined the strategy for creating great content and where to focus your energy. Now I’m not going to spoil the course for you but I will tell what hit home for me was the consistency part. All the times I wasn’t consistent was the reason for my unread blog. Sure my content, style, and ability to connect with readers matters too, but you cannot get better at those unless you are writing the blog post week after week.
So that is why I have been able to blog more already in 2015 that other years past. I realized at of things that matter most its my consistency that will help me achieve my goals.
Experts are consistent
Authors are consistent
Keynote Speakers are consistent
I am consistent